Would you recommend installing wallpaper in a bathroom? | Always | 12% | In most cases | 37% | In some cases | 37% | Not sure | 12% | | | Question: Would you recommend installing wallpaper in a bathroom? Top Answer (37% of 8 votes): In most cases.
Answer: In some cases Explanation: I would recommend wallpaper for bathrooms that do not contain a shower or bath tub. The humidity from showers and baths may cause peeling. | Pearl Painting | Answer: In most cases Explanation: People do it all the time but usually in areas where the wallpapers not really going to get wet | John e Jennings wallpaper | Answer: Always Explanation: Just need the right primer and paist | San Francisco Wallpaper | | ProMatcher | Answer: Not sure Explanation: Questions need to be asked first..How long is the shower running? is there a fan...do they use the fan...is there a window? What kind of paper will be installed? | Seamingly Straight Inc |